Mobile Crisis

Mobile Crisis
What we have for you

Temporary care for individuals undergoing a serious crisis

This program offers those in emotional distress or going through mental health crisis prompt support. Authorized therapists and social activists, among other mental health specialists, often make up these groups. They are qualified to evaluate the problem and offer on-site assistance and solutions.

The mobile crisis response teams may assist people to get the services and treatment they need, defuse dangerous situations, and get follow-up care. One may usually obtain help around the clock by contacting emergency services or a crisis hotline. During emergencies, mobile crisis response is essential for giving persons in need prompt and efficient support.

Our mobile crisis services will offer:


Serve to evaluate the individual, handle emergencies, and connect clients with necessary resources

It is useful in preventing mental health hospitalization for individuals in crisis, in locating difficult-to-reach people, connecting services to suicidal individuals released from emergency departments, and rerouting individuals in crisis from hospitalization to outpatient care.

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Eligible Funding Sources


We support CSA process


We serve to patients with Medicaid Insurance Program


We follow Member Health Insurance

Self Pay

All Self Pay options are welcome