What we have for you

Taking assertive management of serious mental issues

Assertive Community Treatment is a proven method of delivering comprehensive, individualized, and community-based treatment for those with severe and chronic mental health conditions. Its emphasis  is on long-term rehabilitation, community inclusion, and customized care making it a successful model for assisting people to lead satisfying lives despite the difficulties posed by their diseases.

Our assertive community treatment provides:


Diligently solving severe illnesses

Chronic depression can be effectively addressed and resolved with proactive community treatment. This therapy intervention is done in the patient’s home or another familiar environment. In addition to helping to administer appropriate therapy, it acts as a preventive hospitalization.

You also receive:

Allow us to help you better!

Eligible Funding Sources


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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Self Pay

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