High Fidelity Wraparound Model Intensive Care Coordination

High Fidelity Wraparound Model Intensive Care Coordination
High Fidelity Wraparound Model Intensive Care Coordination (HFW-ICC):

ICC provides service coordination to support effective stabilization for children/youth at high risk for out-of-home placement and/or children/youth transitioning back into the community from an out-of-home placement. HFW is the service delivery model for ICC. HFW is a family-focused, strengths-based phasic approach to family stabilization.

The model provides structure for identifying family needs and creating a collaborative team approach among treating providers and stakeholders. The model is designed to support families with identifying natural resources, which they can utilize to maintain stability upon discharge of services. We strongly encourage this service to be paired with a Parent Support Partner to support the integrity and fidelity of the HFW Model. Estimated length of this service should be between 9 and 15 months.

Eligibility Criteria:

Eligible youth shall include:

1. Youth placed in out-of-home care

2. Youth at risk of placement in out-of-home care

The youth currently has escalating behaviors that have put him or others at immediate risk of physical injury.

Within the past 2-4 weeks the parent or legal guardian has been unable to manage the mental, behavioral or emotional problems of the youth in the home and is actively seeking out-of-home care.

One of more of the following services has been provided to the youth within the past 30 days and has not ameliorated the presenting issues:

Crisis Intervention •Crisis Stabilization • Outpatient Psychotherapy • Outpatient Substance Abuse Services •Mental Health Support services.

Eligible Funding Sources


We support CSA process


We serve to patients with Medicaid Insurance Program


We follow Member Health Insurance

Self Pay

All Self Pay options are welcome